Theme: Pastoral and Spiritual Caregivers and Care-seekers: Ambassadors of Healing and Hope October 17-19 2014, @ The Linden Suites, Ortigas Center, Pasig City
This first annual Asia-Oceania Regional Retreat and Consultation Seminar was an invitation to all clinical chaplains, pastoral counselors, spiritual caregivers and care-seekers to gather and get to know their fellow practitioners in the region.
Our aim was to establish new connections, deepen collaboration among the various communities/chapters through consultations, as well as to introduce new caregivers and care-seekers to Clinical Pastoral Education and Training (CPET) and communities that they can be part of.
This was also an invitation to all caregivers and care-seekers to “examine the unexamined life” through case presentations, clinical seminars and the group process, the purpose of which is to empower each one to develop more authentic relationships—ones that can truly transform communities.