Vanderpol Center is launching on Monday, 23rd of March, our ONLINE CRISIS CARE HOTLINE for Covid-19 First Responders! This is a FREE COUNSELLING AND STRESS DEBRIEFING service offered specifically to our heroic FRONTLINERS and FIRST RESPONDERS. All sessions will be done ONLINE (Zoom, Google Hangout, Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp) or via MOBILE. For more details, scroll down below. To book an appointment: You may click on this Google Form or check the contact points in our e-flyer. Please share to all concerned groups and agencies!

What are we offering:
- Free Stress Debriefing and Counselling to First Responders.
- Is this for free? Yes, this service is totally free.
Who are we catering to:
- For now, we will prioritize providing the services to the following First Responders as they are the ones with the most critical need for Pastoral and Spiritual Care.
- Medical professionals (doctors, nurses, hospital admin and service staff).
- Law enforcement personnel (police, military, jail management) serving in the frontlines, checkpoints, quarantine venues, and other critical areas.
- Local government officers, personnel, and volunteers assisting in quarantine implementation and distribution of relief packs.
- National/inter-agency officers, employees, and volunteers involved in the implementation of enhanced community quarantine that are serving in the frontlines.
- Any persons (public, private, or non-governmental units) that are serving or volunteering in the frontlines or at-risk areas.
- For now, we will prioritize First Responders because they are the ones who are most in need at this time. We will open the hotline to the general public as the need arises.
- This service is offered to all First Responders regardless of faith tradition, gender preference, or age.
Which touchpoints are available for counseling/stress debriefing:
- Mobile
- Audio/video conferencing via Zoom, Google Hangouts, WhatsApp, Viber, FB Messenger.
- We will maximize the use of communications and technology to make counselling and stress debriefing services accessible to those in need. To ensure we can provide you with quality care, we will do the sessions only via call, audio or video conferencing. We will not provide the services via chat or email.
How long are the sessions:
- Appointments can be scheduled for 40 minutes or maximum 1 hour — our volunteers are instructed to stick to the requested session length to make sure we can cater to others also.
What schedules are available:
- Monday to Saturday
- 11 am to 1 pm
- 7 to 9 pm
- 10 pm to 12 midnight
Who will provide the services:
- The counseling and stress debriefing services will be provided only by our CPE-trained and seasoned Psychotherapist, Pastoral Counselors, and Spiritual Care Providers.
- All volunteers are trained in any or all of the following international standards: Critical Incidence Stress Debriefing, Crisis Care by the Humanitarian Disaster Institute, Psychological First Aid, Suicide Risk Assessment, Spiritual Assessment, and Spiritual First Aid.