Who We Are
Officially founded in 2014, but birthed from a vision and a call long before that, Vanderpol Center for Leadership and Pastoral Formation, Inc. is a non-profit, non-stock organisation registered in the Philippines as a training and service-oriented institution. We started as a grassroots organisation consisting of a group of peers coming from different areas of ministry and pastoral care work who at the time were undergoing our professional training in Clinical Pastoral Education. This journey has taken us on a road to self-discovery and self-awareness that has led to our own personal transformations. In the process, our inner work has also deepened our individual spirituality and theology and has strengthened us as wounded healers to be more authentic, relational and compassionate to others as well as to ourselves. Now, we are a multi-faith and multi-cultural network of people coming from different areas of ministry—here in the Philippines and with our colleagues and associates in other countries, we are now an international community of pastoral counsellors, psychotherapists, CPE supervisors, teachers, spiritual care practitioners, clinical chaplains, police/military chaplains, grief counsellors, trauma counsellors and corporate chaplains.
- We believe that the transformation of organisations and communities begin with self-awareness and authentic relationships.
- We believe that we empower people by listening to their hearts and by journeying with them through the recovery of their souls.
- We believe that in order to holistically assist someone in this journey, we need to provide individualized spiritual care and psychosocial support through pastoral counselling and psychotherapy.
- We believe that to provide quality of care in this ministry, we must advocate for and exercise a standards-based and professionalized practice of chaplaincy, pastoral counselling, spiritual care and direction, psychotherapy and supervision.
- We believe that the practice of chaplaincy, pastoral counselling and spiritual care must evolve from being a volunteer work to a fully recognized profession in the Philippines and in Asia in order to incentivize continuous training, competency development, credentialization and pastoral formation of its practitioners.
With this in mind, our vision thus is to become Asia’s leading training institution and provider of holistic spiritual care, crisis management, and relational leadership.
To realise our vision, our three-fold mission is to:
Provide specialised training on trauma, crisis management, conflict resolution, grief and bereavement, and relational leadership in private and public sectors.
Provide quality, holistic, and contextualised spiritual care and Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) programs in Asia.
Provide psychodynamic psychotherapy services for children, youth, and adults.

Dr. Maria Theresita Escandor
Chairman & Founder

Katrina Mae A. Yap
Vice-Chairman & Co-Founder

Ronnel S. Domingo
Executive Director

Rishel N. Mañas
Deputy Executive Director
The Spiritual Care Association
Vanderpol Center for Leadership is the only affiliate in the Philippines of the Spiritual Care Association in the US, whose aim is to promote quality spiritual care and chaplaincy services worldwide. Spiritual Care Association’s goal is to engage and offer education to multiple interest groups so more people in need receive effective spiritual care.
“The Spiritual Care Association (SCA) is the first multidisciplinary, international professional membership association for spiritual care providers that establishes evidence-based quality indicators, scope of practice, and a knowledge base for spiritual care in health care.
As health care providers emphasize the delivery of positive patient experience, SCA is leading the way to educate, certify, credential and advocate so that more people in need, regardless of religion, beliefs or cultural identification, receive effective spiritual care in all types of institutional and community settings in the U.S. and internationally. SCA is committed to serving its multidisciplinary membership and growing the chaplaincy profession.
The nonprofit SCA is an affiliate of HealthCare Chaplaincy NetworkTM (HCCN), a health care nonprofit organization founded in 1961 that offers spiritual-related information and resources, and professional chaplaincy services in hospitals, other health care settings, and online.
As a lead-up to the establishment of SCA and to transform the field, HCCN released in 2016 evidence-based quality indicators and evidence-based scope of practice.
SCA was launched on Monday, April 11, 2016 during the annual Caring for the Human Spirit Conference in San Diego, CA. Within one-year, SCA quickly grew to a membership of over 1,300 professionals.”
For more information on SCA, go to: https://spiritualcareassociation.org
Spiritual Care Association in the Philippines: https://spiritualcareassociation.org/about/121-sca-content-map/482-sca-philippines-pasig-city.html
Upcoming Event:
2019 Caring for the Human Spirit Conference
May 20 to 22, 2019
Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA
Click here
The Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation
Vanderpol Center for Leadership is the only accredited CPE Learning Center in the Philippines by the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation in the US. CSCPF is a member of The Comiss Network: The Network on Ministry in Specialized Settings.
“The Center for Spiritual Care & Pastoral Formation (CSCPF) is an international community of Chaplains, Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) supervisors, teachers, pastors, psychotherapists, pastoral counselors and spiritual directors.
We specialize in accrediting learning centers that educate Professional Chaplains and teach CPE, and we certify individuals for professional chaplaincy and spiritual care. In addition to traditional institution-based CPE, we also provide community-based, distance learning CPE and spiritual formation programs.
We are a diverse community who find our common ground in providing high quality spiritual and pastoral care services to those we serve.
We recognize the importance of new expressions of care and new voices of spirit in the practice of our profession in the 21st century.
Our Practitioner Communities are the heart and soul of CSCPF. We meet regularly as smaller ‘grass roots’ clusters of individuals and are committed to the personal and professional formation of one another. Practitioner Community life is rich and positive, structured yet flexible.”
For more information on CSCPF, go to: https://www.cscpf.org
For more information on COMISS, go to: http://www.comissnetwork.org/home.html
The National Center for Crisis Management
Our Chairperson, Dr. Maria Theresita Escandor, as representative of Vanderpol Center for Leadership, is a registered member of the National Center for Crisis Management in the US.
“The National Center for Crisis Management® is a multidisciplinary network of professionals who are committed to improving the support and intervention provided to victims before, during and in the aftermath of crisis situations. The Center works in collaboration with the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, an organization comprised of a multidisciplinary network of professionals committed to the advancement of intervention for survivors of traumatic events.
The National Center in collaboration with the Academy aims to identify expertise among professionals, across disciplines, and provide meaningful standards for those who provide intervention before, during and in the aftermath of crisis situations and traumatic events. Members are provided with the opportunity to apply for Diplomate and Fellowship status. Members can also obtain certification in one or more of the 17 specialty areas offered within the Traumatic Stress Specialties and Crisis Management Specialties programs.
Today, the international membership of the National Center includes individuals from over 200 professions and specialties in the health-related fields, emergency services, criminal justice, forensics, law, business and education. The international membership includes professionals from across the United States and Canada and over 30 foreign countries.”
For more information on NCCM, go to: http://www.nc-cm.org/index.htm

Reach Us
Antel Global
Corporate Center
J. Vargas, San Antonio,
Ortigas Center, Pasig,
1605 Metro Manila
(02) 7719 4876
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"Awakening the self towards transforming communities"